
Reservations can be made at Bookings Section of the website. There is no other source of booking for any of the venues in the club.

Descriptions of venues can be viewed on venue-specific cardsor during the online reservation process.

Room rates and availability is displayed according to the date selected during the online reservation process.
The total rate, including additional charges and taxes appears on the “Reservation Summary”. Rates displayed do not include charges for special requests.

When available, corporate rates may be reserved online (Only if provided with the reference of a member with a proper GSTIN)

Payment and Cancellation

In some cases, a deposit / minimum booking charge will be charged prior to your arrival at the club. Guarantee policies vary by venues. If the venue where you are reserving requires a credit card deposit, your credit card will be charged as soon as the club can process it.

Yes, a credit card / minimum booking amount is required in order to guarantee reservations made online.

All Bookings have a cancellation charge depending on their timeline and venue, which will be mentioned while doing reservations.

Additional Questions

Requests for modifications are honored as space permits. If the club venue you are requesting is full, we may be unable to grant your request. However, you are invited to make the request if needed, the request being chargable.

Please enter our feedback form to share your questions and comments about our site. If you would like to comment on technical difficulties, please include a brief explanation along with the error message received to

Yes, anyone can contact us at our contact details or directly approach the club with your queries.
